The Confidence Kit


This kit has everything you need to boost your confidence…..

21 day Confidence Hypnosis program:

Hypnosis is a proven tool to help embed new beliefs, and listening to this audio twice a day for 21 days will have an impact on how you feel about yourself. This is an accessible 10 minutes so it's easier to fit into your day.

Confidence Booster:

This audio is a just the tonic for when you need that quick boost before a situation that would usually have you feeling anxious. Meeting new people? Job interview? Social event? Presentation to give? Stick your headphones on and listen to this visualisation - it's under 3 minutes long so you can dip in any time you need the boost.

45 Printable Confidence Affirmation cards:

Every one of these is designed to help you believe in yourself, so stick them wherever you'll see them as a reminder of your badass self, or simply pull them out in the morning and ask the cards what perspective you need to get you through the rest of your day. Use them as your daily guide.

30 Confidence Journal Prompts:

Every one of these will have you rethinking your beliefs that hold you back, or give you a quick boost. There's nothing like good prompts to get the juices flowing and give you magickal realisations, plus they are a digital download so you can access them easily.

Complete Guide to Self-Care:

80 prompts that cover Mind, Body and Spirit that you can dip into when you are either planning your self care for the week/month ahead, or needing an immediate idea. You won't be short of ways to take care of yourself with this list - it's not all face masks and baths. The guide is a digital download so you can keep it handy and whip out when you feel the need to self-soothe.

Confidence Boosting Phone Wallpapers:

5 different magickal AF wallpapers for you to mix up as you please. Pop these on your phone as a daily reminder to keep going.

Set of Crystal Charms:

A set of 4 crystals that you can carry with you: Tigers eye for empowerment, Sodalite for self- expression and inner wisdom, Mookaite for grounding, and Amazonite for soothing emotional trauma. These come in a cute bag with cards listing all the benefits of each one.

Celestial Journal:

This 110 page journal is perfect to use with your prompts, and the pages are blank so you can get creative too.

Confidence Spell Incense Sticks:

These smell amazing, and all you have to do is simply light it while incanting 'No more in shadow, I believe in me, I shine and others notice me', or whatever feels good to you! The ritual of lighting this and setting your intention really does help set you up for the day.

Please note: Some products in the kit may vary slightly to those pictured

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This kit has everything you need to boost your confidence…..

21 day Confidence Hypnosis program:

Hypnosis is a proven tool to help embed new beliefs, and listening to this audio twice a day for 21 days will have an impact on how you feel about yourself. This is an accessible 10 minutes so it's easier to fit into your day.

Confidence Booster:

This audio is a just the tonic for when you need that quick boost before a situation that would usually have you feeling anxious. Meeting new people? Job interview? Social event? Presentation to give? Stick your headphones on and listen to this visualisation - it's under 3 minutes long so you can dip in any time you need the boost.

45 Printable Confidence Affirmation cards:

Every one of these is designed to help you believe in yourself, so stick them wherever you'll see them as a reminder of your badass self, or simply pull them out in the morning and ask the cards what perspective you need to get you through the rest of your day. Use them as your daily guide.

30 Confidence Journal Prompts:

Every one of these will have you rethinking your beliefs that hold you back, or give you a quick boost. There's nothing like good prompts to get the juices flowing and give you magickal realisations, plus they are a digital download so you can access them easily.

Complete Guide to Self-Care:

80 prompts that cover Mind, Body and Spirit that you can dip into when you are either planning your self care for the week/month ahead, or needing an immediate idea. You won't be short of ways to take care of yourself with this list - it's not all face masks and baths. The guide is a digital download so you can keep it handy and whip out when you feel the need to self-soothe.

Confidence Boosting Phone Wallpapers:

5 different magickal AF wallpapers for you to mix up as you please. Pop these on your phone as a daily reminder to keep going.

Set of Crystal Charms:

A set of 4 crystals that you can carry with you: Tigers eye for empowerment, Sodalite for self- expression and inner wisdom, Mookaite for grounding, and Amazonite for soothing emotional trauma. These come in a cute bag with cards listing all the benefits of each one.

Celestial Journal:

This 110 page journal is perfect to use with your prompts, and the pages are blank so you can get creative too.

Confidence Spell Incense Sticks:

These smell amazing, and all you have to do is simply light it while incanting 'No more in shadow, I believe in me, I shine and others notice me', or whatever feels good to you! The ritual of lighting this and setting your intention really does help set you up for the day.

Please note: Some products in the kit may vary slightly to those pictured

Please allow 7 working days for delivery

This kit has everything you need to boost your confidence…..

21 day Confidence Hypnosis program:

Hypnosis is a proven tool to help embed new beliefs, and listening to this audio twice a day for 21 days will have an impact on how you feel about yourself. This is an accessible 10 minutes so it's easier to fit into your day.

Confidence Booster:

This audio is a just the tonic for when you need that quick boost before a situation that would usually have you feeling anxious. Meeting new people? Job interview? Social event? Presentation to give? Stick your headphones on and listen to this visualisation - it's under 3 minutes long so you can dip in any time you need the boost.

45 Printable Confidence Affirmation cards:

Every one of these is designed to help you believe in yourself, so stick them wherever you'll see them as a reminder of your badass self, or simply pull them out in the morning and ask the cards what perspective you need to get you through the rest of your day. Use them as your daily guide.

30 Confidence Journal Prompts:

Every one of these will have you rethinking your beliefs that hold you back, or give you a quick boost. There's nothing like good prompts to get the juices flowing and give you magickal realisations, plus they are a digital download so you can access them easily.

Complete Guide to Self-Care:

80 prompts that cover Mind, Body and Spirit that you can dip into when you are either planning your self care for the week/month ahead, or needing an immediate idea. You won't be short of ways to take care of yourself with this list - it's not all face masks and baths. The guide is a digital download so you can keep it handy and whip out when you feel the need to self-soothe.

Confidence Boosting Phone Wallpapers:

5 different magickal AF wallpapers for you to mix up as you please. Pop these on your phone as a daily reminder to keep going.

Set of Crystal Charms:

A set of 4 crystals that you can carry with you: Tigers eye for empowerment, Sodalite for self- expression and inner wisdom, Mookaite for grounding, and Amazonite for soothing emotional trauma. These come in a cute bag with cards listing all the benefits of each one.

Celestial Journal:

This 110 page journal is perfect to use with your prompts, and the pages are blank so you can get creative too.

Confidence Spell Incense Sticks:

These smell amazing, and all you have to do is simply light it while incanting 'No more in shadow, I believe in me, I shine and others notice me', or whatever feels good to you! The ritual of lighting this and setting your intention really does help set you up for the day.

Please note: Some products in the kit may vary slightly to those pictured

Please allow 7 working days for delivery