While it’s true some of us have more intuition than others, we all have it. How often have you heard someone talk about a ‘gut feeling’, or said it yourself? But, if we feel like we don’t have it, can we learn it?
Developing and listening to our intuition means really paying attention to those signals that we usually ignore. Those little nudges you push away, only to be proved right later on. You knew you it wasn’t a good idea to go to that social event - you didn’t know why though, so you dismissed your instinct and went anyway. You had the worst night - broke a shoe, lost your bag, nightmare trying to get home. ‘If I had only listened to my gut feeling’ you say to yourself, only to not listen next time because you don’t trust it. So, how can you get more connected to it in the future?
The best place you can start is by setting the intention - in other words, make a conscious decision to listen to it by saying it out loud every day: ‘Today, I am listening to my inner guidance/intuition’. Repeat this throughout the day, to really plant it in your brain.
When you’re first starting to pay attention, it can be tricky to distinguish between what is your emotions, and what is actually your intuition. The longer you practice it, the easier it will become, but an easy way to start telling the difference is tuning in to how your gut instinct makes you feel.
Do you feel detached from the thought? Relaxed, and open to it? That’s your inner guidance.
Do you feel needy, a sense of lack, or self-doubt? Probably some worry or anxiety, not intuition.
If you really want to listen and learn, to ask a question about something in particular - you have to be still. Even just for a minute or two. How often do you hear your inner voice when you are just drifting off to sleep, or in the shower on autopilot? You don’t always have to meditate, but it is a good way to tune in.
These days, I make a point to listen when I get the nudge (most of the time!). I have enough evidence showing me that my intuition isn’t wrong, so when that instinct kicks in, I make a mental or written note. Try it! When you get the nudge and it proves right, write it down. Knew the doorbell was going to go before it did? Jot it down. Once you look back, you’ll be amazed how often it was right - and this will help you trust it more.
If you’re listening and still not getting the guidance you’re looking for, get in touch to book a free session, and I can give you a plan of action!