Well, hi! Thanks for popping over to see what’s going on over in my wee corner of the internet! Starting a blog has been on my to-do list for what has felt like eons, but it always felt like the biggest task ever, despite the fact I was a total blog geek in the late noughties. I even had an app to keep up to date with my faves (Bloglovin’ - please someone tell me you’re also old/geeky enough to remember this one?!).

When I noticed that I loved writing my weekly emails and struggled to keep them short, I figured it was time to get this show on the road! Being my first post, I thought you’d maybe want to know a bit more about who I am, a little of my story, and how I came to be a Life Purpose Coach. It’s harder than you would think to squeeze even part of your life story into a blog post - so here’s just a snippet…

Emma Anderson, Life Purpose Coach

I’ve always been drawn to the witchy, spiritual and woo side of things - I basically lived in the new age section of the book shop as a teen growing up in the 90’s, and in the Highlands of Scotland, and that was where I found my first set of tarot cards when I was around 15. The books I found set me on a new path - I felt like I had come home. But my home life was rough and so, as soon as I could get my hands on booze, that was it. Party central for my whole adult life. Living for the weekend benders, and as I got older switching to drinking wine at home because that was more acceptable. I worked my way up in retail management and other jobs I tried to apply meaning to, but as time went on they sucked the life right out of me. I couldn’t bear the boredom, but I felt so stuck. I was aimless, directionless and miserable. Partying helped me forget.

Then, 4 years ago, my husband made a super brave decision and followed his dream. It meant him working away Monday to Friday, every week. Maybe there are couples who would take it in their stride, but our first date was nearly 22 years ago…I’ve had him in my life since I was 18. We arranged our work rotas so we had the same days off every week -we were always together. So, this was a huge shock to my system and quite the trigger, for many reasons. Inside I was a mess, and now there was no-one at home to see how much wine I could put away of an evening.

Now I can look back and say this was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. A cliche yes, but it’s true. I had never lived alone, so I got to know myself. I went on a huge journey of self-discovery, delving deep into my witchy side and throwing myself into self-development. But, there was still something missing. I was desperate to find a purpose, a passion, a calling. Something, anything that I could do with my life. I knew I was meant for more, I just had no clue what.

Then, one day on yet another lunch break spent scrolling for answers to my 1001 questions about life, I happened across a local Life Coach’s Instagram. I had seen life coach pages before and they intrigued me, but I still wasn’t really sure what a Life Coach actually did. Something about this one spoke to me, and I sent her a DM. We arranged our first session, and from that moment on, everything changed. I quit drinking, and left my ‘good job’ to be a part-time waitress. I had to create the space to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

About 6 months into my new job, I had a session with my coach. I spent most of the hour running through the many avenues I’d come up with for finding my passion. She gently asked why I’d never considered coaching. Me?! Aye, right. I was not good enough to do that. No way.

But, after some delving into all my limiting beliefs around my reasons why I ‘couldn’t do it’, I felt the light bulb go off. When I allowed myself to go there - to think about it - it felt so right. The answer had been staring me in the face for years, I was just too blind too see it.

I started my training and got my qualifications. Starting out should have felt scary I guess, but it didn’t. Sure, there were (and still are!) scary parts. But the pure joy and fulfillment I gained from helping other womxn discover their purpose was unreal. This is it for me - my mission. I never want another womxn to go through life not knowing how it feels to live on purpose. To step into their power, and own their truth.

In my next post, I’ll be explaining a bit more about what Life Purpose Coaching is. Let me know your burning questions about Life Coaching, and I’ll get them answered!
